// our service

SOC ( Threat Detection & Response )

Security operations support starts with identification of customer requirements, implementation, monitoring, tuning, and utilization of appropriate tools. We understand the challenges associated with keeping an organization secure and we leverage our experience in implementing Security Operations Centers for small and large organizations. XXXX SOC provides visibility analysis, and action, not only based on logs, but also based on network packets. We capture logs, network traffic, and analyze them for abnormalities that point to intrusions. We also offer an incident response with the best in class remediation to thwart attacks. We support enterprises in redefining security operations to cope with evolving cyber threats.

An incident is an event that could lead to loss of, or disruption to, an organization's operations, services or functions. Incident management is a term describing the activities of an organization to identify, analyze, and correct hazards to prevent a future re-occurrence. If not managed, an incident can escalate into an emergency, crisis or a disaster. Incident management is therefore the process of limiting the potential disruption caused by such an event, followed by a return to business as usual. Without effective incident management, an incident can disrupt business operations, information security, IT systems, employees, customers, or other vital business functions.

XXXX  Monitor incoming events for early detection of potential security incidents.

Today’s cyber threat landscape is unprecedented in size and diversity, requiring a change in mindset if enterprises are to protect their key assets (brand, intellectual property, customer data, etc.). Investing in threat detection, and subsequent remediation and response, as well as traditional threat protection are all key to survival.

We Aggregates security events from various sources through  SIEM and threat feeds. Monitoring incoming events for early detection of potential security incidents and performing initial investigation of potential incidents

Our Services Can Help You

  • Optimize SIEM services through control integration, process mapping, reporting, operations & continuous improvement.
  • Enable proactive threat discovery by leveraging actionable threat intelligence, threat hunting, and managed deception.
  • Ensure process improvements through SOC service catalog design, process mapping, automation & transition.
  • Orchestrate security operations through run book automation, incident response & visualization.

Centralized and fully integrated facility for storing raw logs from multiple sources and meeting compliance and regulatory requirements Correlation and Threat Intelligence.

  • Create and Maintain a Log Management Infrastructure

A log management infrastructure consists of hardware, software, networks, and media used to generate, transmit, store, analyze, and dispose of log data. Log management infrastructures typically perform several functions that support the analysis of security log data.

  • Establish a Log Management Operational Process

The major log management operational process typically includes configuring log sources, performing log analysis, initiating responses to identified events, and managing long-term storage.

  • Authentication and Authorization Reports

These reports identify successful and failed attempts to access various systems at multiple user privilege levels (authentication). This also includes specific privileged user activities and attempts to use privileged capabilities (authorization).

  • System and Data Change Reports

These reports identify various system and critical security changes to various information system and networked assets. This also includes configuration files accounts, regulated and sensitive data, and other components of the system or applications

  • Network Activity Reports

These reports identify system suspicious events and potentially dangerous network activities. This also includes activities that need to be tracked for regulatory and PCI compliance.

  • Resource Access Reports

These reports identify various system, application, and database resource access patterns across the organization. It can also be used for activity audit, trending, and incident detection.

  • Malware Activity Reports

These reports summarize various malicious software activities. This also includes events likely related to malicious software. Investigate threats through malware analysis for unknown or zero-day malware attacks

  • Critical Errors and Failure Reports

These reports summarize various significant errors and failure indications. Very often, these are with direct security significance.

  • Failed File or Resource Access Attempts Reports

Failed file or resource access attempts are a broad category that can impact many different job descriptions. In short, failed access attempts are an indication that someone is attempting to gain access to either a nonexistent resource or a resource to which they have not been granted the correct permissions.

  • Suspicious or Unauthorized Network Traffic Patterns Report

Suspect traffic patterns can be described as unusual or unexpected traffic patterns on the local network. This not only includes traffic entering the local network but traffic leaving the network as well. This report option requires a certain level of familiarity with what is “normal” for the local network. With this in mind, administrators need to be knowledgeable of local traffic patterns to make the best use of these reports. With that said, there is some typical traffic patterns that can be considered to be highly suspect in nearly all environments.

Detect and prevent evasive attacks and threats. Utilize threat intelligence systems that suit your business

Sophisticated threat and threat actors need better monitoring, preparation, responses, and capabilities. Attack vectors can steal your data and damage sensitive business assets. Threat management programs can enable the faster detection and response of such threats, preventing large scale data breaches and avoiding collateral damage.