// our service

Software Security Assessments and Consulting

Got tough security problems? Indio embrace challenges.

Fortune 50 to SMB organizations with a reputation to protect relies on Security Innovation to not only reduce risk from software vulnerabilities but to shatter risk. Client trust is gained by the depth of our expertise, but we gauge ourselves on how effective we are in adding quantifiable ongoing value with our services.

// Software Security

Software Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is a critical step in the secure software development life cycle, ensuring that applications aren’t released with vulnerabilities. With over a decade of carefully honed security test execution and threat modelling methodologies, our penetration testing reduces software risk with results that you can trust.

In-depth security testing that goes beyond a rudimentary scan

Bring on your toughest application security challenges – that’s Security Innovation’s specialty. Clients have come to expect that when (not if) we find vulnerabilities during security assessments, we provide a path forward and tie engagements to the company’s unique risk and complexity profile.

Application Penetration Testing 101: Be Realistic

Let’s face it. It’s not feasible to get 100% test coverage. That’s why we take an objective-driven approach to map out and execute penetration testing efforts based on identified threats and defined goals – to find the most important needles in your software haystack.

Break the software – and reassemble with more secure code

Our experts think like hackers to outsmart them and respond as developers to thwart them. Each is skilled at attacking and defending via secure coding practices and vulnerability remediation.